Delhi دہلی

"The court has unlocked a multitude of opportunities, creating endless possibilities for the Heera Group’s future endeavors and operations.”

"This court decision is a victory for the investors,” said Dr. Nowhera Shaikh.

New Delhi ( News Release: Mutiur Rahman Aziz) On Friday, August 23, nearly six months after the initial proceedings, the Supreme Court of India scheduled the hearing for the Heera Group of Companies. The hearing was notably detailed, lasting approximately fifty minutes. During this session, the legal team representing the Heera Group robustly countered the allegations presented by the opposing counsel. After carefully listening to the arguments from both sides, the esteemed Supreme Court judge, with great assurance, summarized that imposing restrictions or limitations on any company essentially translates to inflicting unnecessary hardship on the general public. The opposing counsel suggested that Dr. Nowhera Shaikh’s properties be auctioned off, but the honourable judge responded with discernment, noting that it is unlikely that the proceeds from such auctions would ever reach the investors. After thoroughly reviewing the entire history of the Heera Group of Companies, the judge observed that at no point had the company’s CEO taken any loans or incurred debts. Therefore, the notion of putting valuable and extensive properties up for auction was deemed unwarranted and unjustified. This ruling by the Supreme Court, delivered with measured wisdom and foresight, not only protected the rights of the Heera Group but also underscored the importance of fair treatment for businesses that have operated with integrity. The Supreme Court judge issued a directive stating that the Heera Group is free to manage its properties as it sees fit. The company is permitted to arrange funds by selling any of its lands and, in turn, repay the investors. The judge emphasized that the company should feel no constraints in its efforts to generate the necessary funds through the sale of its properties. The Heera Group’s lawyers brought to the court’s attention that certain individuals are obstructing the sale process and attempting to seize the company’s lands. In response, the Supreme Court judge assured that all transactions related to the sale and registration of the properties will be conducted under the court’s supervision. This ruling was designed to ensure that the company can proceed without facing undue challenges in selling its lands and fulfilling its financial obligations to the investors. Expressing her profound joy over the recent Supreme Court hearing, Aalima Dr. Nowhera Shaiks, the CEO of Heera Group of Companies, described this legal victory as a testament to the prayers, patience, and steadfastness of the investors who have stood by the company during challenging times. In her statement, Dr. Nowhera Shaikh emphasized, "This triumph is not just a legal success; it is a reflection of the collective faith and resilience of our investors. I have always made it my mission to be the hope and assurance for our investors, and I firmly believe that true justice will be achieved only when all matters concerning the company are resolved under my guidance.” She further explained that the suggestion to auction the company’s lands was a move driven by those with ulterior motives. "The proposal to auction off the lands is, in my view, a part of a larger conspiracy by those who seek to undermine our efforts. These lands were not just ordinary assets; they were secured and invested in with the hard-earned money of our investors, money that was earned through their blood, sweat, and tears. Allowing these valuable assets to fall into the hands of those with ill intentions would be a grave injustice.” Dr. Nowhera Shaikh reiterated her commitment to the investors, saying, "That is why, from the very beginning, I have consistently appealed to the court that I am fully capable of repaying the investors, and I remain the CEO and rightful owner of the Heera Group. All financial transactions have been conducted under my leadership, and therefore, it is only right that the responsibility for safeguarding the integrity of these transactions lies with me. I am determined to ensure that the trust placed in me by the investors is honored, and their investments are protected.” In her concluding remarks, Dr. Nowhera Shaikh expressed her unwavering determination to see this process through to the end, ensuring that the investors receive what is rightfully theirs. She emphasized that under her leadership, the Heera Group will continue to uphold the values of trust, transparency, and responsibility that have always defined the company. The esteemed Supreme Court has addressed the situation with a clear and decisive understanding, effectively sealing off all conspiratorial elements. The Court has declared that the Heera Group is free to sell any of its properties without any restrictions. Should any difficulties arise regarding this matter, the Supreme Court has assured that it will oversee and stamp each registration phase personally. In response to these developments, Aalima Dr. Nowhera Shaikh expressed her profound satisfaction and described the Supreme Court’s orders as the result of the prayers, good wishes, and efforts of the investors. Dr. Shaikh stated, "I am deeply grateful for the Supreme Court’s decisions and will honor and comply with the directives set forth by the honorable court. I am committed to fulfilling the obligations and meeting the standards prescribed by the Supreme Court, ensuring that justice is served in accordance with the court’s esteemed guidance.” In summary, the Heera Group has consistently claimed from the very beginning that the company was intentionally restrained and obstructed, with investigative agencies imposed upon it and a campaign of defamation launched worldwide. This was done with the aim of destroying the company and scattering the investors’ assets. The conspirators’ intention was to seize the lands developed by the Heera Group, which were under the close scrutiny of land mafia groups. However, in our beloved India, the rule of law and justice prevails. Truth will ultimately triumph, and falsehood will surely be defeated. This conviction was steadfast, and with this trust, every trial was faced with resilience. Every hardship was endured in the belief that justice would be secured through the legal system and that every possible measure would be taken to protect the economy of the poor and the helpless. We are confident that our victory is near. Praise be to Allah.

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