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If the Congress doesn’t smash the hood of the Hyderabadi snake ….

Written by  : Mutiur Rahman Aziz ….9911853902

  • In Telangana today, the Congress is in power. It is the ruling authority there, equipped with the power to crush all the venomous heads. No sensible person in the country is unaware of the deeds of the offspring of the blind black snake in the capital, Hyderabad. There is no one ignorant of the fact that this snake has a habit of devouring its own kind first. The blind black snake has inherited from its ancestors a passion for destroying and biting its own community, city, and country. In Telangana today, Congress holds the reins of power, fully empowered to eradicate all poisonous threats. The capital city, Hyderabad, is plagued by the malicious offspring of the blind black snake, a menace well-known to every aware citizen of this nation. It’s an undeniable truth that this snake is accustomed to feasting on its own kin first. The blind black serpent harbours an inherent, destructive fervour, passed down through generations, to ruin and poison its own community, city, and country. The Congress must act decisively to annihilate this pernicious threat before it can inflict further harm. The current serpent has made it a habit to cripple and maim every member of its own society, ensuring its rule by rendering others helpless. To maintain its dominion, this serpent is prepared to go to any extent, following its ancestral ways. In fact, it is almost a necessity for them to engage in such actions. These serpents, spreading their influence to every corner of the country, operate under the direction of their adversaries. With their venomous and foul-smelling rhetoric, they attack the minds of the masses like a double-edged sword. This insidious weapon not only affects a particular group but spreads its poison in all directions, fostering an atmosphere of discord and unease. They achieve their sinister objectives by inciting widespread unrest, creating a climate of fear and instability. In return for their pervasive sins, they seek safety and refuge. The inhabitants of Hyderabad, their own city, are so deeply affected and terrorized by these serpents that they are too frightened to speak out. The fear of retaliation is so intense that anyone who dares to raise their voice faces threats to their homes, lives, and honour. Sisters, daughters, and mothers are particularly vulnerable, becoming targets of the serpent’s venomous actions. As a result, the people of this city have been enduring oppression for years, silently suffering while waiting for the day when the serpent’s hood will finally be crushed. This serpent has entrenched itself so deeply that it controls through fear and manipulation, leaving its community in a state of perpetual anxiety and subjugation. The people, though aware of the serpent’s true nature, remain silent, their voices stifled by the constant threat of retribution. Every act of defiance is met with ruthless consequences, ensuring that the serpent maintains its grip on power. The community lives in a state of enforced submission, their hopes pinned on the eventual downfall of this malevolent force. They yearn for a future where the serpent’s tyranny is brought to an end, and peace and justice are restored to their lives.
  • In the 2024 Telangana Legislative Assembly elections, driven by these very reasons and the hope for change, the public rallied behind the Congress, decisively defeating this serpent and its allied parties to rid themselves of its menace. Upon assuming office, the Telangana Congress Chief Minister, having secured victory, extended a hand of mercy to these serpents. However, later, the central Congress committee took action, stating that if the head of this serpent is not crushed now, it will be too late. This very serpent is the one that is strangling democracy as it roams across every corner of our motherland, India. In this situation, neither the Congress nor the public is managing to preserve their dignity. Regardless of community, Hyderabad’s venomous serpents create such a toxic environment that both minority and majority communities become intent on devouring one another. Consequently, the minorities are divided, and democracy is annihilated. The minority populace is deceived into believing that if the Congress or other pro-democracy parties align with this serpent, their fortunes will change. However, this is an illusion that will never materialize, for the serpent has committed so many sins that the ruling power in the central government will ultimately twist its neck. Thus, the serpent will neither form alliances nor allow the consolidation of minority votes. The serpent is deliberately fed with the poison of discord and dispatched throughout the country to spread its venomous, hissing rhetoric. Its purpose is to divide the people, incite chaos, and ultimately undermine democracy. This division creates an environment where democracy is destroyed, and minorities are left in turmoil.
  • Today, the Congress government is in power in Telangana. It will not take long to crush the hood of this blind serpent, and it is no secret how many sins this serpent has amassed since the time of its ancestors. The extent of its crimes is well-known: how many innocent, defenceless, and powerless individuals have had their lands seized by these serpents is an open fact. Everyone knows how many mosques these serpents have destroyed. The extent of their encroachment on waqf properties is common knowledge. It is widely known that the ancestors of these serpents seized the properties of widows and destitute individuals. The court has since labelled them as land mafias and illegal occupiers posthumously. These serpents, who have cut off the livelihoods and opportunities of their own kin, continue to slither across the country, spreading their venomous influence. They have silenced dissent through murder, eliminating those who dared to raise their voices against them. The atrocities committed by these serpents, including their ruthless acts of violence and oppression, are etched into the collective memory of the nation. Their reign of terror, characterized by their relentless pursuit of power and domination, remains a stark reminder of their pervasive and destructive impact on society. How many schemes have these serpents concocted to keep the people of Hyderabad in poverty? How many government programs have they greedily consumed, leaving the public bereft of the benefits they were meant to receive? How many influential leaders have been devoured by these serpents, or rather, these monstrous creatures? How many innocent young individuals have been wrongfully accused and had their futures destroyed as a result? These serpents, vicious and venomous, are not just enemies of democracy but also of the minority community’s right to vote. They continuously maneuver and manipulate to preserve their domain of sins, wallowing in the depths of their own wrongdoing. These black serpents, steeped in guilt, engage in their deceitful activities while their own consciences are repelled by their vile actions. Their eyes are shut by the stench of their lies and deceptions. The people, having placed their trust in the Congress with the hope of ridding themselves of these serpents, now look to the government with expectation. If the Congress does not act decisively to address this issue, it will be too late to rectify the damage. The opportunity to remove these serpents and restore justice and integrity may slip away, leaving the public to continue suffering under their oppressive rule.
  • If the Congress fails to comprehend the concession granted by the public and the power of governance bestowed upon them, there is a real possibility that, in the toxic environment created by this Hyderabadi serpent, the Congress itself may face annihilation in the coming days. The venom of this serpent has already led to the downfall of several states, governments, and political parties. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the Congress stands at the forefront of this list of victims. Therefore, the Congress leadership must understand the gravity of the situation. In Hyderabad, the establishment of the Hydra Agency has sparked a glimmer of hope among the people regarding the action against these serpents. However, the Congress must act with utmost vigilance and swiftness under the supervision of the Telangana Congress leadership. It is crucial to ensure that substantial measures are put in place to crush the head of the serpent spreading its venom across the country. Will the bucket of sins accumulated by this serpent burst under the Telangana Congress government, or will the Congress remain complacent, allowing the serpent to slither unchecked and further poison the communal and national fabric? The situation is dire and potentially catastrophic. If the venom of this serpent is not addressed promptly, it will lead to the death of the nation’s pluralistic and communal harmony. We are witnessing the withering of love, brotherhood, and democracy in the country. If left unchecked, this plant of unity will wither away completely, leaving behind a landscape of decay and discord. If immediate action is not taken, the situation will become irreparably dire, rendering Hyderabad’s land and its issues untreatable. The Congress leadership, more than any other entity, faces the greatest threat from this serpent’s venomous influence. Time is of the essence, and every passing day brings us closer to the point of no return. The Congress high command must act decisively and urgently to address the toxic reservoir of the serpent’s venom. Before it is too late, the leadership must take swift action to rescue Hyderabad, Telangana, and the entire nation’s minority communities from destruction and ruin. This deceitful serpent extends its hood in the direction commanded by its master, as the serpent’s actions mirror the whims of its handler’s pipe and flute. The suffering, moaning, and pain of the minority communities have reached a point where they no longer have the strength to cry out for help. This serpent has silenced voices across the nation, leaving them muted, dispirited, and lifeless. Its insidious venom has spread so thoroughly that people mistakenly perceive it as mere environmental pollution, slowly acclimating to the serpent’s poison. In reality, the serpent’s venomous presence and toxic rhetoric have polluted and corrupted the very atmosphere, bringing the nation to the brink of collapse.

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