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Comment on the book “15 Minutes: Remove the Police”. Book Title: “15 Minutes: Remove the Police”

Author: Sheikh Saleh

Publication Year: 2024

Number of Pages: 200

Price: 250 rupees

            “15 Minutes Remove the Police” exposes the relentless political tyranny plaguing Hyderabad, India. Sheikh Saleh, a prominent figure in journalism and politics, fearlessly uncovers the brutal realities of state oppression. This book unveils the egregious acts of hooliganism and political corruption rampant in the region. Saleh’s previous works, including “Gunda Gardi (hooliganism) and Political Gunda Gardi ,” “Telangana Kal and Aaj,” and “Sunehra Telangana,” further highlight the systemic injustice endured by the populace. Additionally, he authored a Telugu-language publication, intensifying his condemnation of the establishment’s atrocities. This book fearlessly confronts the egregious actions of two notorious political figures, Asaduddin Owaisi and Akbaruddin Owaisi, who have wielded their power to oppress the people under the guise of governance. With unyielding boldness, Sheikh Saleh exposes the ruthless atrocities committed by these leaders during their tenure in the previous Telangana government. Divided into three gripping chapters, the book meticulously details 23 distinct instances of abuse of power and human rights violations perpetrated by the Owaisi brothers. Through meticulous prose, Saleh paints a damning portrait of their reign of terror, shedding light on the harsh realities faced by the populace under their rule.

            In the author’s introduction, a stark revelation emerges regarding the patriarchal influence of the Owaisi brothers’ father in the tumultuous events surrounding the Babri Masjid’s demise in 1992 and the subsequent inflammatory incidents in 2012. Sheikh Saleh unflinchingly asserts the pivotal role played by the brothers’ progenitor in orchestrating these catastrophic events. He delves deep into the notion that the sins of the father are inevitably passed down to his offspring, highlighting the insidious cycle of indoctrination and violence perpetuated within the family lineage. Saleh’s scathing indictment exposes the sinister legacy of ideological extremism and incitement ingrained within the Owaisi clan, implicating the elder generation as architects of destruction and turmoil. Through meticulous analysis, the author unveils the unsettling truth that the seeds of hatred sown by the patriarch continue to bear bitter fruit, shaping the actions and beliefs of subsequent generations.

            Akbaruddin Owaisi’s notorious rhetoric once reverberated across the nation, epitomizing a brazen challenge to the authority of the government. His audacious proclamation, “Remove the police for 15 minutes, then we will tell who will be burdened by whom in India,” epitomized a dangerous call to arms, inciting unrest and threatening the very fabric of communal harmony in India. Such inflammatory diatribes, dripping with contemptuous defiance, serve as a grotesque affront to the values of pluralism and coexistence cherished by the diverse populace of India. Sheikh Saleh rightfully condemns these venomous speeches as corrosive agents, corroding the bonds of mutual respect and trust among different religious communities. Their insidious impact perpetuates a cycle of animosity and distrust, eroding the foundational principles of unity and brotherhood upon which the nation stands. In a thought-provoking article within his book, Sheikh Saleh draws a chilling parallel between the insidious demeanor of Asaduddin Owaisi and Akbaruddin Owaisi, and the ominous aura once exuded by Muhammad Ali Jinnah prior to 1947. Saleh’s astute observation unearths a disconcerting truth: the Owaisi brothers mirror the same blend of fearmongering and hubris that characterized Jinnah’s pre-independence rhetoric. Like a looming specter of division and discord, their rhetoric perpetuates an atmosphere of apprehension and divisiveness reminiscent of Jinnah’s divisive tactics. Saleh’s incisive analysis serves as a sobering reminder of the enduring legacy of intolerance and supremacy that continues to plague the political landscape, threatening to unravel the social fabric of the nation. Prior to 1947, dissent against Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s vision of Pakistan was met with swift and severe repercussions, with dissenters facing ostracism, isolation, and condemnation from their own Muslim brethren. The mere act of questioning Jinnah’s ideology invited scorn and vilification, forcing many Muslim writers into a suffocating silence, lest they incur the wrath of their community. Similarly, in the present day, a pervasive climate of fear and conformity stifles opposition to the Owaisi brothers, as writers cower under the looming specter of social alienation and communal backlash. This culture of intimidation breeds a culture of silence, as dissenting voices are muzzled by the looming threat of excommunication and social exile. Just as in Jinnah’s era, the reluctance to challenge the status quo perpetuates a cycle of repression and conformity, shackling the intellectual and moral conscience of the community. In a scathing indictment, Sheikh Saleh exposes the perilous trajectory of Indian Muslims under the influence of Asaduddin Owaisi and Akbaruddin Owaisi’s incendiary rhetoric, likening it to the treacherous path charted by Muhammad Ali Jinnah in 1947. Through his penetrating analysis, Saleh highlights the ominous parallels between the divisive tactics employed by the Owaisi brothers and the legacy of discord sown by Jinnah. Furthermore, Saleh pulls no punches in denouncing the patriarchal influence of the brothers’ father, whose arsenal of linguistic weaponry includes the insidious tools of eloquence, deceit, rhetoric, and lies. Like poison dripping from their tongues, the brothers’ words serve as potent instruments of manipulation and division, instilling fear and mistrust among their followers. Saleh’s unflinching critique lays bare the dangerous consequences of their indoctrination, warning of the dire consequences of perpetuating a cycle of hatred and deception within the Muslim community. The author discerningly asserts that comprehending the duplicitous maneuvers, inflammatory rhetoric, and coercive tactics employed by the Owaisi brothers necessitates a deep dive into the tumultuous events surrounding 1940 and Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s divisive demands. Sheikh Saleh starkly warns that those who betray their nation and principles will consign their progeny to the shadows of obscurity, forever tainted by their ignominious legacy. Drawing a sharp distinction between history and faith, Saleh illuminates the stark disparity between the Machiavellian politics of the Owaisi siblings and the principles espoused by Islam. In the contemporary milieu, the gaping chasm between the treacherous machinations of deceitful leaders and the ethical precepts of Islam stands as a glaring indictment of their moral bankruptcy and ethical vacuity. Saleh’s astute analysis serves as a clarion call to reject the toxic rhetoric of opportunistic demagogues and uphold the noble ideals of integrity and righteousness. From the venom-laden diatribes spewed forth by the Owaisi brothers, it becomes glaringly apparent that their nefarious agenda transcends mere vendettas or personal grievances. The insidious manner in which they manipulate Hindu-Muslim relations betrays a sinister ulterior motive, shrouded in the cloak of chaos and discord. Sheikh Saleh’s piercing analysis unveils the malevolent machinations at play, exposing the true essence of their political charade. It is evident that their endgame is not rooted in seeking retribution or rectifying perceived injustices, but rather in sowing the seeds of societal upheaval and strife. This calculated campaign of destabilization serves as a damning indictment of their moral bankruptcy and contempt for the sanctity of communal harmony. In their relentless pursuit of power and influence, the Owaisi brothers exemplify the embodiment of Machiavellian deceit, willing to sacrifice the well-being of the populace at the altar of their own ambition. The author’s astute observation underscores a disconcerting reality: the post-2014 era marks the zenith of the Owaisi brothers’ political ascendancy, while concurrently heralding the nadir of Muslim politics in India. Drawing parallels to infamous turncoats like Mir Jafar and Mir Sadiq, Sheikh Saleh exposes the Owaisi siblings as modern-day architects of betrayal and treachery, willing to sacrifice the welfare of their own community for personal gain. Their insatiable thirst for power and influence knows no bounds, as they shamelessly exploit the vulnerabilities of their fellow Muslims to further their own agenda. Saleh’s incisive critique lays bare the pernicious impact of their Machiavellian machinations, perpetuating a cycle of suffering and subjugation within the Muslim populace. Despite the semblance of freedom and security, Muslims in India are shackled by the specter of uncertainty and persecution, forced to assert their loyalty to the nation amidst a climate of suspicion and distrust. In the face of adversity, Saleh implores his fellow Muslims to reclaim their dignity and assert their rightful place as proud citizens of India, unwavering in their commitment to peace and harmony. To date, non-Muslims in India have not inflicted upon Muslims the kind of brutal atrocities perpetrated by historical tyrants like Tatars, Taimuris, and Nadir Shah. However, the Owaisi brothers, Asad and Akbar, persist in perpetuating a reign of terror and oppression akin to these ruthless conquerors of the past. Their malevolent actions and incendiary rhetoric sow seeds of discord and animosity, inflicting untold suffering upon innocent Muslims. Sheikh Saleh’s damning indictment lays bare the stark reality of the Owaisi brothers’ tyranny, as they continue to wield their power with impunity, heedless of the havoc they wreak upon their own community. In the face of such flagrant disregard for human dignity and decency, it is imperative that their reign of terror be brought to an end, and justice be served for the countless victims of their cruelty and oppression.

            In the author’s scathing critique within the second chapter, he exposes the duplicitous nature of certain Muslim leaders masquerading as representatives of their community. These self-proclaimed guardians, adorned in traditional attire and ostentatious displays of religiosity, wield their influence with the ferocity of wild beasts, despite their veneer of civility. Sheikh Saleh’s poignant commentary serves as a stark warning against placing blind trust in these wolfish figures, whose actions belie their professed piety. Entrusting the fate of Muslims to such opportunistic demagogues is a perilous gamble, fraught with danger and uncertainty. Saleh’s sobering analysis calls for a discerning scrutiny of these so-called leaders, lest their predatory tendencies lead the community astray into the jaws of exploitation and betrayal. The annals of political history unequivocally demonstrate the transient nature of power, with authority perpetually shifting hands. While peace stands as the paramount blessing bestowed upon any nation, the onus of preserving this cherished tranquility does not rest upon the shoulders of the common man alone. Rather, it is the solemn duty of the political elite, who wield unparalleled influence as stewards of the populace, to safeguard the fragile equilibrium of peace. Sheikh Saleh’s trenchant observation lays bare the stark reality that the fate of nations hangs precariously in the balance, contingent upon the sagacity and integrity of its leaders.

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