डॉ. नौहेरा शैख़ ने विकास और न्याय की दृष्टि का अनावरण किया नई दिल्ली (समाचार विज्ञप्ति: मुतिउर्रहमान अजीज) ऑल इंडिया महिला एम्पावरमेंट पार्टी (एआईएमईपी) की...
AIMEP aspires to foster fair labor enhancements while promoting economic advancement, ensuring equitable opportunities and sustainable development for all. New Delhi (News Release: Mutiur Rahman...
A considerable cohort of learned scholars, numbering five thousand, are actively engaged in educational pursuits worldwide : Dr. Nowhera Shaikh Ismail Sheikh extols the virtue...
Dr. Nowhera Shaikh’s tour in Arunachal Pradesh aims to address societal challenges and uplift communities by tackling unemployment, poverty, and other pressing issues faced by...
New Delhi (Release- Mutiur Rahman Aziz) Dr. Nowhera shaikh, leading the All India Mahila Empowerment Party (AIMEP), has unveiled an ambitious vision to elevate the...